Why vote for Dave?

My deepest sympathy goes out to my opponent Megan Dahle, who suffered a serious stroke in December, 2023 impacting both her speech, her ability to walk and to drive.

No one can say if it impacted her other brain functions, because she has not been in the public eye since 2023.

This is a terrible turn of affairs for anyone.  But here is the hard question: Do you vote for someone you feel sympathy for, or someone who can do the job? She has not been up front about her medical problem and has chosen not to present herself to her constituents and seems to be hoping nobody notices her health issue.

For many months, I’ve been asking for an open debate, so that voters can judge our capabilities for themselves.

So far, Megan Dahle has refused.

You should ask yourselves:

  • Who can best represent me and argue for my point of view in Sacramento?

  • Who can logically negotiate with the other side to move legislation forward?

  • Who has the stamina to travel and represent constituents from such a large area?

Every morning for the past four years I walked 4 miles before breakfast. I hiked 100 miles to earn my Eagle Scout award at age 15 and have traveled over 30,000 miles in our district meeting with voters in every city and rural community. My grandparents lived more than 100 years. My parents are 79 and in excellent health.

I am full of energy and ideas to improve Senate District 1.

If elected I won’t let you down!

I’d be honored to have your vote!

Thank you California!